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Who we are
We have a renewed, progressive business model that includes long-term, multi-stage service contracts so we can provide our customers with the consistency and increased productivity they are looking for.
We train and employ individuals who deliver top-notch services using O'Chiese owned, industry-leading equipment. And perhaps best of all, we employ professionally trained, local operators to build, manage and maintain well sites, leases, pipelines and more.
We believe strongly that teamwork, a professional work ethic, and consistent delivery are critical for success = for us, and that of our customers.
What we do
The O'Chiese Heavy Equipment Division provides many services to the oil and gas, forestry and commercial development industries, including:
Road building and maintenance
Lease builds
Labour crews
Pipeline Installation
Well maintenance
Right-of-way clearance
Our staff is fully trained, appropriately licensed and we have a exemplary safety record.
How we do it
The O'Chiese Heavy Equipment Division is continually renewing and adding to its fleet of equipment, which includes:
All-wheel drive graders
Skid steer loaders with all attachments
Equipment haulers
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